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I have had the worst anxiety this whole pregnancy due to a miscarriage back in May. I am currently 17 weeks & 3 days. I finally decided to order a fetal doppler in hopes that would stop me from booking private ultrasounds every other week.. WELL it came in today and I’ve tried on and off for two hours with no luck on finding the heartbeat. When I was at my 16 week apt my doc found the heartbeat with a Doppler within 20 seconds so I’m a little concerned.
Should I just chalk this up to user error? Or should I go to the doctor
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I feel you. Also had a loss in May. I have heard that fetal Dopplers vary greatly and the ones we buy online are no where near as good as the OB. I think the reason they caution against home Doppler is because there can be a lot of room for error and it can be hard to find the heart beat! Hang in there and book a private scan if the stress is too much!!
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To be honest, even medical professionals have difficulty sometimes. This is why I personally hate dopplers, because they cause a lot of unwanted stress. I would try watching some YouTube videos on techniques and even bring it in to your next appointment to have the doctor show you how to use it properly.
Also, doctors usually have a better Doppler than the ones that are sold online.
I’ve had 4 miscarriages so I totally get the anxiety. But have you looked into therapy on how to process everything. I was in your shoes with my first three kids where I had bad anxiety. I ended up doing therapy and I am actually enjoying this pregnancy.
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A home Doppler is not a good idea if you are already anxious. I would throw that thing right out. Remember that loss at this gestation is very unlikely! You are getting close to being able to feel baby move, probably in the next few weeks. That should help ease your worries!
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I have a Doppler and after 7 losses I can say it’s the worst idea. I am 15 weeks 5 days and cannot find the heartbeat, my last scan last week I was sure I was walking into bad news only to see everything was perfect. I really think the cause more anxiety then they are worth. X
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Most likely user error or baby is moving around too much to be able to pick it up! Most of the time for me the heart rate never shows up on the Doppler screen at home so I just have to listen for it. I’m an extremely anxious person (had a missed mc at almost 11 weeks in 2018) and my Doppler is the only thing that gets me through the days between appts until I feel movement, but everyone is different. I will add i’m pretty experienced with a Doppler having used one with all 3 of my kiddos starting at 9w3d. I recommend watching some YouTube videos for sure!
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Make sure your bladder is full, drink something cold or some sugar and try again. Usually when I could hear the wind sound I knew my LO was near.
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At home Dopplers are not as good as the ones at the office! Firstly, I recommend calling the doctor to get a quick appointment so they can give you some reassurance with their Doppler!
Secondly, I’ve been using my st home Doppler since about 12 weeks and only been able to pick anything up on occasion since 13 weeks. My Doppler is awful and even when I her the heartbeat it doesn’t show a number on the screen despite blatantly hearing it. Sometimes it’ll show a low number. They aren’t always very good and you can’t rely on them. My midwife found the heartbeat immediately after I couldn’t find it for days on mine. Try not to worry ✨
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I used my Doppler every couple days just for a few seconds/minutes for reassurance to ease that anxiety. I watched YouTube videos on the proper technique and also typed in how many weeks pregnant I was (I found it at 11 weeks so I searched fetal Doppler 11 weeks how to) and after trial and error finally found the general area of the baby. I rarely get an actual number on the Doppler but do hear it. I would definitely take time to watch multiple how to videos and focus on where they’re placing the Doppler on their stomach. It was much much lower than I expected. And move very slightly in a circular motion until you hear a fast heartbeat
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my doctor highly suggest not to use them due to high user error. My doctor told me that many times people wont find the baby but something else (such as blood flow/ your heart rate) and think things are fine but they aren’t. Or they cant find it and freak out and put stress on themselves.
I would chalk it up to user error
Im so tempted too because i get so worried. But i know ill freak out and not know how to use it.
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First I would say to calm down. This is not good for you or your baby. Learn to trust the process and your baby.
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stress is a normal part of life, including in pregnancy, and telling women to “calm down” isn’t helpful or nice. She has a history of loss and this is a scenario where it’s very understandable to feel anxious. People also need to stop telling women that stress is “bad for their baby” ….theres literally no evidence to back this up and it’s not helpful. And “learn to trust the process”? Is this what she should have done when her last baby died? STFU. You’re being dismissive and annoying.
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I’ve experienced loss myself, so I know where she’s coming from and how difficult it is to manage these feelings. That’s why I said to focus on calming and trusting the process. Not because the mom’s previous loss wasn’t devastating, but because staying calm is one of the best things she can do for herself and her baby. This doesn’t mean ignoring her feelings or pretending the fear isn’t there. It’s about finding ways to cope that reduce harm, rather than adding to the stress she’s already feeling. And yes, stres IS bad for the baby, but not just that - it’s also bad for her. “There is literally no evidence to back up…”? Seriously? There are tons of studies supporting my claim. Here are just few of them you can start with:
Let me know if you need help unlocking any of research papers.
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thanks for sending articles, but one of these is looking at depression/anxiety- risks of untreated depression and anxiety are well- documented and known. A lot of these studies are referring to animal models and trying to recreate that in humans. Obviously significant stress and fight or flight responses aren’t good for anyone especially long term- I’m more so talking about the day to day stress (low level stress) or anxiety that comes with previous loss. OP being worried that she couldn’t find the Doppler isn’t going to throw her into preterm labor or cause her baby to not meet milestones on time. My point is just that we have to be careful how we talk to other women, and also, telling someone not to stress doesn’t make them stop stressing.
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